Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture



Major Professor

Stroud Watson

Committee Members

Jon P. Coddington, Thomas K. Davis


In this thesis a public observatory and planetarium is designed as an astronomical monument to test the theory that the rational and spiritual sides of architecture are united in the architecture of astronomy. First, the conditions of the project are established. The site at Norris Dam State Park is described and analyzed, and then the astronomical "site"- the celestial events the observatory has to responded to- are similarly described and analyzed. The programmatic requirements of the project are listed, with diagrams and a detailed discussion of the spiritual meanings of the project following. Finally, the design of the project itself is presented, from the decisions about the overall forms to the detailing. The final drawings resulting from the design process follow. An appendix at the end gives architectural precedents which helped the formulation of ideas and concepts in the thesis.

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