Document Type
Parenting, Children and Teens - Spotlighting Teen Issues for Parents
Publication Date
Meth is a powerfully addictive stimulant made by “cooking” ingredients containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine and a variety of toxic and explosive chemicals. One miscalculation in an ingredient or cooking temperature and the volatile mixture can explode like a bomb!
This substance can be made from many different ingredients that can be purchased anywhere. Tougher laws are making it more diffifi cult to purchase one of the main ingredients, pseudoephedrine, which is found in most common cold and allergy medicines. Other ingredients commonly used to make meth include rubbing alcohol, acetone (found in fifi ngernail polish remover), gasoline antifreeze, battery acid and engine starter flfl uid.
Recommended Citation
"SP681-G-Methamphetamine Awareness," The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, SP681-G-12/06 E12-5315 07-0001,
Publication Number
SP681-G-12/06 E12-5315 07-0001