"PB1594-Insect and Mite Management in Greenhouses" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Greenhouse Production

Publication Date



Pest Management (PM) is a term that refers to the use of various strategies to manage greenhouse insect and mite pests. The focus of PM is to use a variety of management strategies to deal with existing pest problems, rather than relying solely on pest control materials such as insecticides and/or miticides. PM involves the use of cultural, physical, biological and/or chemical management strategies.

PM programs typically require growers to be proactive rather than reactive. An effective PM program begins by regularly scouting the greenhouse for insect and mite pests. A PM program may include establishing action thresholds for specific insect and/or mite pests and then implementing a pest management strategy once a threshold has been reached. Greenhouse producers who have successfully implemented PM programs indicated that they have reduced costs and increased worker safety. As a result, employees often respond to PM programs with increased enthusiasm. The objective of this publication is to assist greenhouse producers in starting a PM program.

Publication Number

PB1594-500-9/07(Rev) E12-4615-00-004-08 08-0033

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