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urfs in public gardens require routine mowing and fertilization. They may also be irrigated to prevent severe drought stress. In addition to mowing, fertilization and irrigation, supplementary cultural practices such as core aerifi cation, topdressing, dragging and rolling may be needed to maintain healthy turf. Pesticides may be applied on an as-needed basis to prevent or control turfgrass diseases, weeds and insects.

Highly visible and heavily traffi cked turfs in a public garden usually receive more care than infrequently used utility turfs. The three zones with varying levels of management intensity presented in this publication are intended to serve as examples of areas commonly maintained in public gardens. Budgets are included to provide an estimate of costs associated with the management of each zone.

Publication Number

SP634-500-12/04 E12-4115-00-002-05 05-0134

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