School of Information Sciences -- Faculty Publications and Other Works
Source Publication (e.g., journal title)
LIBRI: International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies Vol. 69
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Nationwide surveys of researchers in Finland in 2007 and 2016 distributed with the assistance of FinELib, the Finnish national consortium, show that researchers use a growing range of sources to find and access scholarly articles and that some reading patterns are changing. The percentage of articles found by searching and browsing are decreasing, while researchers are using more social ways to locate articles. Research social networking sites are rated as important to their work. They read more onscreen, although still print some material out for final reading. Reading patterns for books are different, as researchers still rely more on printed books than e-books, in spite of an increase in e-book collections through their libraries. This study shows a continuous process of incremental change, enabled by changes in scholarly publishing, social networking, and library collection decisions. More changes can be expected, as researchers adopt systems and patterns that fit with their work patterns and make the finding, locating, and reading of scholarly materials easier. Libraries must both lead and adapt to these new reading patterns by providing links and access to a variety of journal services and by maintaining a balance of print and e-book collections.
Recommended Citation
Late, Elina; Tenopir, Carol; Talja, Sanna; and Christian, Lisa, "Changes in Scholarly Reading in Finland Over a Decade: Influences of E-Journals and Social Media" (2019). School of Information Sciences -- Faculty Publications and Other Works.
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Publisher's Version