Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Biosystems Engineering
Major Professor
L. R. Wilhelm
Committee Members
B. L. Bledsoe, J. L. Collins
Mechanization of mature green soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr.) shelling is needed to stimulate increased use of the green soybean as a vegetable and to enhance commercial processing. Existing shellers have feeding problems and low shelling rates. In an attempt to overcome these problems, an experimental parallel belt sheller was designed. The parallel belt sheller was chosen because it appeared to have potential for a high shelling rate and no dif-ficulty in feeding. A shelling system using the shear force developed by the relative motion of two parallel belts was designed and con-structed. The machine was tested in the laboratory and its perfor-mance compared to roller and paddle-type shellers. The results of the test indicated that shelling mature green soybeans by the parallel belt principle is possible. The shelling efficiency of the green soybeans was improved by preheating the green pods. Belt spacing and speed were found to have significant effects on shelling. Though the general performance of the parallel belt sheller was lower compared to the roller and paddle-type shellers, it produced the highest shelling rate. There was no difficulty in feeding pods to the machine.
Recommended Citation
Owirodu, George Takyi, "Design, construction, and evaluation of a parallel belt sheller for mature green soybeans. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1975.