Masters Theses

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Tessa R. Calhoun

Committee Members

Michael Best, Bhavya Sharma


Flow cell devices have been used extensively in microscopy. Here, we present a new development of fluidic devices that can be used with high resolution transient absorption microscopy in the observation of ultrafast dynamics of solutions, and most importantly, drug-membrane interactions. The evolution of the flow cell devices will be discussed along with their applications in the study of an antifungal drug, Amphotericin B (AmB). The study of AmB with transient absorption microscopy in solution, living systems, and its recent progress on discovering the underlying mechanism of action label-free will be presented. It is discovered that AmB's interaction with membranes may be sensitive to environmental factors, and that changing conditions may affect its mechanism of action. Commercial Fungizone solution is also explored and discovered to give different dynamics in solution over monomeric AmB. Overall, the applications, developments, and improvements of the flow cell devices, along with the recent studies on AmB and Fungizone will be discussed.

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