Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Ada Marie Campbell

Committee Members

Ruth Buckley, Frances Schofield


Recent advances in micro-techniques have made possible more extensive and thorough study of lipids and related compounds than was possible previously. Two of the most outstanding developments have been gas-liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography. Gas-liquid chromatography has contributed a quantitative method for fatty acid determinations while thin layer chromatography has produced an accurate and rapid method for separating various classes of lipids. A combination of these methods has opened the door to investigations which had been deferred because of inaccurate and time consuming methodology.

The role of lipids in meat flavors has been of interest for many years. Studies at the University of Tennessee have indicated definite flavor differences in the fat of cooked meat from grass-fed and grain-fed beef. Length of aging period also has been found to affect flavor of beef fat. Attempts to find explanations for the effects of finish and aging have not been conclusive.

After Stames (1958) found no correlation between flavor scores and free fatty acid content or peroxide values of external fat, Cook (1963) undertook an investigation of the composition of internal fat. Cook's work indicated that the phospholipid fraction of beef fat tends to be more affected by aging time and by finish than does the glyceride fraction. Some unidentified constituents, the concentration of which appeared to be affected by the type of finish and by aging time, were found in the phospholipids. It seemed desirable, therefore, to study the different classes of phospholipids in grain-and grass-fed beef aged for different periods of time.

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