Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 10-1972


A wide variety of planning efforts in such areas as health, highways, education, and economic development depend on information about the future size and composition of the population and labor force.

The following projections of population and labor force were prepared as part of a study of manpower requirements in higher education, but because of their potential value to other persons interested in population and labor force projections, we decided to publish them separately before the completion of the entire study.

The potential applications of detailed demographic and labor force baseline data are obvious in land-use planning, development of expressway systems, and provision of recreational facilities, adequate health care, and comprehensive educational services. Federal requirements for basic population and labor force data in planning grant applications are well recognized. Information for these purposes is provided in this monograph.

The projections (1) began with an appraisal of recent trends and the current status of relevant population and labor force data, (2) went on to construct in some detail three series of assumptions about the future of the three population change factors, and (3) applied the assumptions to project population and labor force in such detail as is feasible. The projection technique is based on a detailed analysis of historical trends in fertility, mortality, and migration and provides detailed alternative projections.

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