Critical Disaster Studies: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation ChecklistCritical Disaster Studies

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are submitted as separate documents rather than within the text, following the author guidelines specified below.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

  1. Your manuscript must be based on original research and include/incorporate ethnographic data.
  2. It must engage anthropological and related literature that is relevant and current, and should include works that speak to your manuscript’s thematic and regional foci.
  3. Your manuscript must have a clear argument well-supported by the evidence you provide.
  4. Your manuscript should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar errors before submission. Clarity of language is vital, as is the avoidance of terms and language that might be considered jargon.
  5. All submissions must adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style, which can be found here: You may also find this set of guidelines from the American Anthropological Association (AAA) useful:

General Formatting

  • Manuscript may be submitted as .docx (MS Word) or as .odt (Open Document format generated by LibreOffice, and other open source word processors). It is quite likely that your manuscript will be converted to the most commonly used format (ie. .docx) during the process of review.
  • Font: Times New Roman 12 pt. black, for abstract, text, block quotes, endnotes, and references.
  • Margins: 1.5” on all sides.
  • The text of the entire document including the abstract, main text, block quotes, endnotes, and references should be double-spaced and left-aligned, not justified.
  • Between sentences in your text, you must leave only one space, not two.
  • Do not indent the first sentence of paragraphs. All text should start at the left margin.
  • One hard return (line) between paragraphs.
  • All pages must be numbered, including on the first page. Place page numbers in a footer on the bottom right of the page.
  • Only use “we,” “us,” and “our” to refer to coauthors of the article.
  • US English spelling (for eg. rigor, not rigour).
  • You may use contractions in quotes but not in the original text.
  • Use the Harvard (serial) comma.

Structure of your manuscript:

  • Title: should be bolded, centered and in Title case
  • Abstract (max: 200 words):
    • Should not include a title.
    • The text must be italicized, and there should be no citations.
    • Keywords: Below your abstract, provide 3-5 keywords within square brackets: lowercase text separated by commas. eg. [human rights, displacement, earthquake]
  • Main Body
    • No “Introduction.”
    • Top-level headings should be bold and left aligned (typically this is Heading 1 in most word processers).
    • Second-level headings should be italicized and left-aligned (typically these correspond to Heading 2 in most word processers).
      • You must have at least two second-level headings under a Top-level heading.
    • Non-English words should be italicized when they first appear in the text and the English translation provided in parentheses. Subsequent use of the term will not be italicized.
  • Block quotes: indented, without quotes. Follow the same citation rules as those for text in the main body.
  • Tables and Figures
    • Figures and Tables should be sent separately as individual documents.
    • Tables should be created within your word processor.
    • Figures should be in standard formats (TIFF/JPEG/PNG) at a minimum of 300 dpi resolution.
    • Each table should be mentioned before the place where you intend for it to be inserted in the text. Instead of placing the table or figure directly in the text, you should:
      • add the following instead: [INSERT TABLE1/FIGURE2 here]. Final placement will depend on formatting constraints.
  • Notes
    • Use only Endnotes.
    • Endnotes will appear at the end of the document under a section titled “Notes” which should be bolded and centered.
  • Citations
    • Author last name and year, alphabetic not chronological order,
    • No commas, multiple cites separated by semi-colons.
    • When including page numbers add a comma and a space before entering page number/s.
  • References
    • Section should be on a separate page directly after the text, and titled References Cited, bolded and centered.
    • Use your bibliography manager (eg. Zotero, Endnote, etc.) to generate a Bibliography ensuring that it adheres to CMS guidelines.
    • Use the CMS Guide to determine the correct citation and reference formatting requirements for different types of publications cited and referenced in your manuscript.
    • Only texts cited in your manuscript should be referenced.