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To view entire book click "download" button above. To view individual chapters click links below.

frontmatter.pdf (2120 kB)
pp. i-20. Cover page, publication information, table of contents, foreword, introduction, dedication, prefatory.

chp1.pdf (245 kB)
pp. 23-28. A Preliminary Survey

chp2.pdf (2235 kB)
pp. 29-75. Internal Elements of Disruption

chp3.pdf (1488 kB)
pp. 76-107. Slavery the Germ of Rebellion—Seed, Growth, Flower

chp4.pdf (491 kB)
pp. 108-118. The Rope of Sand—The Band of Steel

chp5.pdf (977 kB)
pp. 119-140. Virginia Opens the Pandora Box

chp6.pdf (3029 kB)
pp. 141-202. The Virginia Convention—Its Capture by the Conspiracy

chp7.pdf (1286 kB)
pp. 203-230. The Northwest Confronts the Crisis

chp8.pdf (2332 kB)
pp. 231-281. The May Convention—Organizing Resistance

chp9.pdf (689 kB)
pp. 282-296. The Central Committee—The Election—The Military Joins the Issue

chp10.pdf (1922 kB)
pp. 297-336. The June Convention—Reorganizing the State Government

chp11.pdf (338 kB)
pp. 337-343. Cheerful Outlook for the New Government—The Legislature; Election of Senators

chp12.pdf (129 kB)
pp. 344-346. Recognition of the Reorganized Government by the Senate

chp13.pdf (1824 kB)
pp. 347-383. The August Convention—Preparing for Division

chp14.pdf (327 kB)
pp. 384-390. Part Played by the "Fourth Estate"—Division Voted

chp15.pdf (2327 kB)
pp. 391-439. Framing the Organic Law—Its Adoption by the People—Legislative Consent

chp16.pdf (1033 kB)
pp. 440-456. Battelle's Masterly Plea for a Free State

chp17.pdf (634 kB)
pp. 457-470. West Virginia at the Bar of the Senate

chp18.pdf (73 kB)
pp. 471-472. The Legislature Repudiates Senator Carlile

chp19.pdf (536 kB)
pp. 473-484. West Virginia Runs the Gauntlet of the House

chp20.pdf (770 kB)
pp. 485-498. In the Hands of the President

chp21.pdf (750 kB)
pp. 499-515. Amendment Made and Ratified—West Virginia Inaugurated

chp22.pdf (1716 kB)
pp. 516-547. The Secession Convention Described by Surviving Members

chp23.pdf (2013 kB)
pp. 548-588. Some of the Men who Figure in this History

chp24.pdf (197 kB)
pp. 589-592. Capture and Escape of Congressman Whaley

chp25.pdf (285 kB)
pp. 593-598. Military Value of Western Virginia in the War

chp26.pdf (534 kB)
pp. 599-609. Beneficence of War—Barbarism of Slavery

chp27.pdf (184 kB)
pp. 610-613. Southern Views of the Movement in Northwestern Virginia

chp28.pdf (374 kB)
pp. 614-622. The "Child of the Tempest"—Heir Apparent