MTAS Publications: Full Publications

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This document is designed to aid in the development of standards for construction specifications and in the design and bidding of public works improvements and should not be used in lieu thereof.

Local Government Public Works Standards and Specifications was developed to provide Tennessee cities with guidelines for construction projects. MTAS recommends, and T.C.A. § 62-2-107 requires, that public works projects over $25,000 have plans and specifications prepared by a registered architect, engineer, or landscape architect. Therefore, users should be careful in adopting and using these guidelines. They are not intended to be all-inclusive. The construction standards and specifications presented here are not minimum standards. They are based on recognized engineering practices, and they are intended to produce quality projects.


The MTAS publications provided on Trace are archival documents intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as authoritative. The content contained in these publications may be outdated, and the laws referenced therein may have changed or may not be applicable to your city or circumstances.

For current information, please visit:

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