University of Tennessee Library Lecture Series


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In 1973, the University of Tennessee Library departed from the tradition of inviting a distinguished librarian or library educator to deliver the annual Library Lecture. To mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the series, a distinguished library user was asked to address the library community from the viewpoint of one whom the library serves. Historian Robin W. Winks of Yale University presents an eloquent, even classic argument for the library's role as collector and repository of society's records.

Dr. Morris Philipson, publisher and scholar, assesses the complex economic and intellectual interdependencies of scholar, publisher, and university administrator in the twenty-sixth lecture. His essay is particularly enlightening as it treats the problems inherent in the conflict between quality and quantity during a period of severe economic dislocation.

Although a third lecture by a non-librarian might have made a neat trio, the Library chose to return to tradition by calling upon an eminent practitioner to give the twenty-seventh lecture. Daniel Gore, noted for his imaginative insights and provocative ideas, provides a challenge, in a sense, to those who seek ways out of the dilemma posed by the theses of Winks and Philipson.

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