Polish and Former Soviet Contributions to CNN World Report before and after Massive System Changes
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The authors analyze the content of CNN World Report submissions from Polish and former Soviet states before and after the fall of communist systems of broadcast organization. One clear marker emerged for the dramatic system changes, and that marker was source work. The work of these contributors features significantly more source work after the change to a capitalistic system. Furthermore, the Polish submissions also had more hard news, more stories concerned with issues, fewer stories tagged to specific events, and greater identification of a conflict or problem.
Recommended Citation
Zbigniew Rytel, Christa J. Ward, Judy B. Oskam, Mark D. Harmon, Polish and former Soviet contributions to CNN World Report before and after massive system changes, The Social Science Journal, Volume 41, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 123-128, ISSN 0362-3319, DOI: 10.1016/j.soscij.2003.10.011. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6W64-4B9DC05-C/2/e3b71cb1c6db806976ae8920a6dccfbf)