Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Major Professor

Clyde H. Wilson


The Board of Education of the Memphis City Schools established Memphis Veterans Institute in September, 1945, for the purpose of providing training facilities for World War Two veterans. The Board recognized the possible problems with which the school system might be confronted should an attempt be made to enroll a large number of veterans in its regular school system. The writer records, in this thesis, the results of a study of the training of World War Two veterans in Memphis Veterans Institute operated by the Board of Education of the Memphis City Schools in Memphis, Tennessee. The study covers legislation of the Congress relative to educational aid to veterans of the Second World War, minutes of the Board of Education of the Memphis City Schools, and an analysis of the personnel records of each veteran enrolled in the program with reference to length of enrollment, accomplishments and areas in which veterans were trained. It is hoped that this study may be helpful to those of the future who may be confronted with the responsibility of formulating and conducting a training program such as school administrators had following World War Two. It should be helpful to any who may find it necessary or desirable to evaluate special training programs for special groups.

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