Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Ralph D. Kimberlin

Committee Members

Frank S. Collins


The effects of mounting half delta-wing strakes onto the fuselage and nacelles of a Piper Navajo twin-engine airplane are observed. The strakes' ability to enhance the performance of the Piper Navajo is evaluated by its effects on the power required and on lift and drag characteristics of the airplane. Previous wind tunnel and flight test studies have shown that strakes can improve the performance of aircraft by strengthening the airflow over the wing's trailing edge. These studies showed that Lift coefficient values with respect to angle of attack were increased. Drag coefficient values with respect to lift coefficient were also significantly reduced. Lift to drag ratios was improved significantly. Results showed that the strakes significantly reduced the power required for the Piper Navajo, thereby increasing maximum range and endurance. Drag was significantly reduced and the maximum lift to drag ratio was effectively improved.

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