Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Benjamin J Blalock

Committee Members

Nicole McFarlane, Garrett S. Rose


Space exploration for life both inside and outside of our solar system demand the design and fabrication of robust, reliable electronics that can take measurements, process data, and sustain necessary operations. However, the presence of high radiation and the cold temperature of space poses a challenge to most designers. This thesis presents the design of a radiation-hardened, cold capable emitter coupled logic standard cell library with the intention of being used for space applications. The cells are designed and fabricated in a 90nm silicon germanium BiCMOS process. First, a review of emitter coupled logic is presented. Then, the design methodology for the standard cells are presented. Next, the results of several fabricated standard cells are discussed and analyzed. Finally, the work is concluded and future work is discussed.

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