Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture



Major Professor

Thomas K. Davis

Committee Members

Katherine Ambroziak, Scott Wall, Jennifer Akerman


The impetus for this thesis investigation is born from a consideration for the implications of working with site. There is an inherent dialogue between a work of architecture and its site that expresses, and often embodies, the social, cultural, and historical conditions of the place. Architecture becomes not only a collaboration between physical form and space, but also the temporal mediator of the memories and anticipations of those who experience it. When we engage a site that is already a marked or inscribed terrain, we must be aware of how context affects the experience of both place and program. When this is done in such a manner that allows an understanding of architecture as a sort of cultural and historical recording, the architecture then becomes a palimpsest of place; an architectural layering of old and new, a vehicle for recollecting, rediscovering, and renewing. This then raises the question, how does one go about situating the new with regards to genius loci ?

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