Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Dr. John Haas

Committee Members

Dr. Virginia Kupritz, and Dr. Kenneth Levine


This project focuses on organization members that use communication as their principle tool for carrying out job duties and responsibilities. More specifically, this study examines the factors that impact the communication of inside and outside sales representatives. The goal of this research is to investigate willingness to communicate, communication apprehension, and self-esteem in daily life and in organizational settings. A total of 87 participants completed questionnaires congruent with these three topics. Previous literature concerning willingness to communicate, communication apprehension, and self esteem were examined to explore relevant information concerning each topic. Results suggest that differences in men and women and willingness to communicate in daily life or communication apprehension are not highly significant. Yet, there is a slight significance in differences when comparing sex and willingness to communicate in the workplace. A longitudinal study of self-esteem and goal success proved self-esteem was not a significant variable when discussing goal attainment within an organization. Future research should explore other variables that could affect willingness to communicate, communication apprehension, and self-esteem to better understand communication within the workplace.

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