Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Syed K Islam

Committee Members

Jeremy Holleman, Jayne Wu


Recent technological advancements in integrated circuits and medical technology have made real-time monitoring of physiological factors possible. One such important physiological factor to be measured is glucose. Continuous monitoring of glucose is extremely important for patients with diabetes as it helps make optimal treatment decisions. To enable continuous measurement, a chip containing the sensors and the electronic circuitry is implanted in the human body. This implanted chip provides for continuous measurement and helps reduce inconvenience caused to diabetic patients. A potentiostat forms an integral part of a sensor signal processing circuit. In this thesis the design and simulation of an on-chip potentiostat circuit has been presented. A potentiostat is needed to maintain a constant potential, so that the sensor can measure glucose. This design has been fabricated using a 0.35-m bulk CMOS process available through MOSIS.

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