Masters Theses

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Wayne K. Clatterbuck

Committee Members

Wayne K. Clatterbuck, Donald G. Hodges, Neelam C. Poudyal


eYield is an online growth and yield platform designed to assist landowners and land managers in making the best choices for their properties. eYield aims to strike a balance between the necessary data to run growth and yield models while remaining accessible to its landowner userbase. The results of this paper point to an encouraging amount of user interest in computer-aided forestry tools, specifically in growth and yield models like eYield. The pre- and post-surveys of eYield from respondents suggest that there is a yearning for tools like eYield and that eYield is reasonably representative of the real world. These results point to the continuing march of technology through all sectors and the need for technological integration through most facets of life. Survey participants indicate that they are open and willing to accept new technology to address questions that are environmentally complex and highly variable associated with future forest growth.

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