Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Resource Management

Major Professor

Ernest W. Brewer


The purpose of this study was to use meta-analytic procedures to explore the associations between various demand and resource correlates and the dimensions of teacher burnout (i.e., emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment). Demand correlates included work overload, role conflict, role ambiguity, and student misbehavior. Resource correlates included peer support, supervisory support, and participation in decision.-making. The study was based on 42 studies with 41 independent samples and 14,742 respondents. Meta-analytic statistical procedures were used to test the following relationships: ( a) a positive relationship between emotional exhaustion and demand correlates, (b) a negative relationship between depersonalization and resource correlates, ( c) a positive relationship between personal accomplishment and resource correlates, and ( d) a negative relationship between personal accomplishment and demand correlates. The following statistics were reported: unweighted mean correlations, weighted mean correlations, and weighted Fisher's z correlations. Homogeneity was tested for using the Q statistic. The results supported each of the tested relationships. However, in most cases, the samples on which the results were based were found to be heterogeneous,·thus suggesting that the relationships were moderated by other variables. Based on these results, it is recommended that future research explore how other variables moderate the relationships between various· demand and resource correlates and the dimensions of teacher burnout. Also, regarding practical implications of this research, it. is recommended that school administrators review policies and procedures relative to how teachers' roles are defined and encourage teachers to participate in decision-making processes regarding issues that affect them.

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