Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

Gregory A. Sedrick

Committee Members

Denise F. Jackson, George W. Garrison


This research developed a process to identify condition deficiencies and sustainment requirements to assist in the development of strategic management plans for aerospace ground test systems that may be unique in design, operation, and/or maintenance.

Subject matter experts can use the process to evaluate the condition of a test asset by inputting data into the developed software system. The process was designed around the concept of evaluating the condition of a system against ten parameters that encompass all of the aspects of a system that would be considered in determining its overall condition. A scale of zero (failed) to ten (new condition) is used to score both the current and the future (five years hence) state of the system. A relative aggregate scores approach is used to assign an overall condition value. Questions related to the forecasted workload of the facility and criticality of the asset in meeting the forecasted test programs provide a measure of the asset criticality and thereby assist management with project prioritization. Four different types of condition data output reports are available to management teams.

The process was tested and internally validated by evaluating the condition of over three-hundred aerospace ground test assets.

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