Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

John Peine

Committee Members

Tim Ezzell, Edward Jepson


The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role information technology could play in the planning process, by studying the role GeoBook played in its application to greenway planning. Technology has continued to advance through the years, so it is important that the planning process incorporates these technologies so as to become more proficient at making decisions. Because our natural resources are limited, we have the responsibility to steward them to the best of our ability and to make the most educated decisions possible. By incorporating modern science into land-use decisions, decision-makers can make more informed decision. This thesis examines the background of the GeoBook and its capabilities, followed by a look at the GeoBook’s role in the French Broad Blueway. I chose to study the GeoBook because habitat fragmentation is the number one threat to ecosystem biodiversity and health. Ecosystems cannot survive in isolation, and the Southeastern Ecological Framework is a system that can combat this threat.


Degree is a Master of Science in Planning with a major in Urban Planning

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