Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Gregory Peterson

Committee Members

Donald W. Bouldin, Hairong Qi, Chandra Tan


Processing power of pattern classification algorithms on conventional platforms has not been able to keep up with exponentially growing datasets. However, algorithms such as k-means clustering include significant potential parallelism that could be exploited to enhance processing speed on conventional platforms. A better and effective solution to speed-up the algorithm performance is the use of a hardware assist since parallel kernels can be partitioned and concurrently run on hardware as opposed to the sequential software flow. A parameterized hardware implementation of k-means clustering is presented as a proof of concept on the Pilchard Reconfigurable computing system. The hardware implementation is shown to have speedups of about 500 over conventional implementations on a general-purpose processor. A scalability analysis is done to provide a future direction to take the current implementation of 3 classes and scale it to over N classes.

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