Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agriculture and Extension Education

Major Professor

A. G. Burg

Committee Members

N. E. Fitzgerald, J. E. Wills


(From Purpose of Study)

It is the purpose of the writer to make a study of this problem of soil erosion and soil conservation in a representative area of West Tennessee with the aim of determining some of the more important factors causing erosion and soil depletion. It is also desired to make a study of the soil conservation practices which have been tried out by various farmers in this area, the results of these practices and the practices recommended and demonstrated by the Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, through cooperation with farmers in this area. It is further desired to pull together this information and set up some principles that the average farmer in this area might apply to his farm in combating the ravages of erosion and soil depletion.


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