Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Business Administration
Major Professor
B. R. Haynes
Committee Members
Charles P. White, G. H. Parker, C. Smith
(From Statement and Purpose of the Problem)
This investigation was made for the purpose of determining and evaluating the several requirements for the master's degrees in the state universities in this country, in order to establish definite recommendations for the granting of such degrees in terms of the evaluation of present requirements. The findings of this study should be of service to those educators concerned with the problem of administering programs leading to the first degree above the baccalaureate.
Recommended Citation
Iles, Thelma Henry, "An Analysis of the Requirements for the Master's Degrees in the State Universities. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1941.
Major is listed as Business Education. No Abstract included.