Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Jane R. Savage, Cyrus Mayshark


The major purpose of the field experience in public health nutrition with the Maternity and Infant Care Project No. 551 in Mobile County, Alabama was to facilitate the integration of academic knowledge and practical experience on a professional level. The experiences and observations during eight weeks in this agency have been analyzed in terms of the writer's objectives.

The writer gained a better understanding of the operation and functions of a health project and the role of a public health nutritionist within the organization by working with other disciplines within the agency. As a project. she planned and developed a comparative study of vital and health statistics which are influenced by the quality and availability of prenatal and infant health care.

As a result of the field experiences, the writer gained a broader understanding of the responsibilities and functions of a public health nutritionist within a comprehensive health program. Her field experiences also provided the opportunity to learn about a particular population and its health needs, the Maternity and Infant Care Project and its program, and the relationship of the project to other health agencies and their programs.

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