Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

John S. Schwartz

Committee Members

R. Bruce Robinson, Randall W. Gentry


In the Southern Appalachians, high-elevation streams with small watershed areas tend to be sensitive to acid deposition (Deviney et al., 2006; Cook et al., 1994) because high elevations tend to have more cloud contact, leading to greater atmospheric deposition of pollutants containing sulfate and nitrate acids (Lovett and Kinsman 1990). In a recent study by Webb et al. (2004) examined the link between atmospheric acid deposition and stream water quality in brook trout (Salvelinus Fontinalis) streams in western Virginia and Shenandoah National Park (SNP). The study acknowledged that water quality improvement had been seen in response to reduced sulfate deposition in northern and eastern United States (U. S.) in regions that do not share the same watershed characteristics as the high-elevation Southern and Central Appalachians, which include SNP. In the study, Webb et al. concluded that soil characteristics were the factors that retained sulfate in the system and prevented proportional stream water quality improvement. This type of study is necessary to understand water quality reactions and anticipate the best conservation measures to implement.


No Abstract, used part of Introduction.

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