Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Recreation and Sport Management

Major Professor

Angela J. Wozencroft

Committee Members

David F. Cihak, Sylvia A. Trendafilova


The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Project TRiPS on social interaction behaviors of students with disabilities. Project TRiPS is a program at the University of Tennessee offered to college students as a class where they go into public schools and implement therapeutic recreation activities to students with disabilities. A total of eighteen students with disabilities were observed on five social interaction behaviors: (1) motor gestural positive behaviors, (2) motor gestural negative behavior, (3) vocal verbal positive behavior, (4) vocal verbal negative behavior, and (5) response to environment. Results indicated there were a few instances where there was an increase in the frequency of students with disabilities’ social interaction behaviors. However, further examination of the activities implemented indicated why certain weeks had significant difference in some social interaction behaviors. Limitations of the study and a practical application are discussed.

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