Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Recreation and Sport Management

Major Professor

Angela J. Wozencroft

Committee Members

Steven N. Waller, Sylvia Trendafilova


The purpose of this study is to help gain a better understanding of the perceived leisure constraints of parents/caregivers of a child with disabilities and when given the opportunity for respite from parenting roles, how they use their leisure time. A total of 39 parents/caregivers completed the electronic questionnaire with the majority of respondents being female parents. Five main themes were identified in result of the common response patterns embedded throughout the parents/caregivers questionnaire responses, which were: (a) leisure activities, (b) time, (c) extra planning, adaptations, and modifications, (d) resources, and (e) attitude. Findings identified the perceived barriers to leisure of parents/caregivers of a child with disabilities and types of negotiation strategies used in order to participate in chosen leisure activities. During a time of respite, the majority of the parents/caregivers took advantage of more passive leisure activities such as relaxing, recharging their batteries, reflecting, and reconnecting with significant other and friends. This study supports the need for more respite opportunities for parents/caregivers and families of a child with disabilities as well as provides practical implications to expand the field of therapeutic recreation.

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