Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Y.C.L. Wu

Committee Members

R.L. Young, James N. Chapman


The objective of this effort was to develop an improved process model of a prototype MHD/steam central station power plant. This model was designed to perform a first law thermodynamic analysis for steady state plant operation. An existing MHD topping cycle model was modified to provide predictions of mass flows and energy requirements associated with topping cycle equipment for coal processing and oxidant preparation. This topping cycle is characterized by full slag carryover to the heat and seed recovery system. PRESTO II, a program for analyzing the performance of regenerative, superheated steam-turbine cycles, was added to the existing model structure to provide a detailed steam cycle model. The resulting model was executed for a specified design condition and the results reported herein.

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