Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Administration

Major Professor

Dr. John W. Gilliland

Committee Members

Dr. Orin B. Graff, Dr. Ralph B. Kimbrough, Dr. Martin E. Little, & Dr. L.O. Haaby


This s tudy was concerned with the reasons why teachers leave the profession. The problem selected for study was an analysis of the reasons for leaving the teaching profession given by former teachers in eleven selected school systems. The problem was divided into the following sub-problems.

1. To identify teachers who had withdrawn from selected public school systems and who have not returned to teaching else-where.

2. To interview those teachers who dropped out for other than natural causes in order to determine their reasons for leaving teaching.

3. To analyze these reasons to determine whether or not they fall into any determinable patterns.

4. To suggest possible steps on the basis of this anal­ysis that might be taken in order to retain teachers in the fu­ture better than in the past.

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