Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Daniel B. Koch

Committee Members

Michael J. Roberts, Paul B. Crilly


Virtual Reality is the simulation of real or imagined environments, which can be experienced in three dimensions width, height and length. VR simulations provide interactions with the virtual world using external devices.

Virtual Reality systems have been bulky and not suitable for mobile operations. This thesis aims at creating such a mobile virtual reality system, which is portable and lightweight. This system consists of a lightweight notebook or laptop computer. It also includes a head-mounted display, a wireless mouse, a pinch glove, a tracker and wireless networking. This system is built with off-the-shelf components. This system is described in this thesis. Chapter One gives the introduction. Chapter Two describes history and background. Chapter Three describes the hardware devices. Chapter Four explains the software module and Chapter Five gives the Future Work and Conclusions.

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