Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Donald W. Bouldin

Committee Members

Gregory Peterson, Michael Langston


The purpose of this thesis is to develop a procedure to verify intellectual property (IP)cores on the Pilchard platform which contains reconfigurable hardware. The hardware and tools used for the verification process are documented.

Two IP cores are used as examples of how the Pilchard design flow is to be applied. One core that does a simple logical function is implemented to serve as a demonstration of Pilchard read and write operations. To demonstrate the versatility of the hardware platform, a complex core that performs a Fast Fourier Transform operation was also implemented successfully.

Results from these IP implementations indicate that for high performance IP cores to be verified on the Pilchard, careful attention must be exercised to minimize the possible timing delay that occurs during place-and-route.

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