Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Chemical Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Atul Sheth

Committee Members

Roger Painter, Max J. Hailey


Many environmental issues are related to the disposal of both poultry litter and used tires. In an effort to provide a more environmentally friendly alternative to disposal of these substances, work has been done previously at UTSI in the areas of catalytic steam gasification of poultry litter and rotary kiln incineration of shredded tires. The scope of this research is to develop a transportation model that can be used for either of these processes. The model will be used to determine their economic feasibility under changing conditions including traveling distance, feed rate, and price fluctuations in the sales price of the product gas from the gasification process and the steam generated from the incineration process.

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