Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Instructional Technology and Educational Studies

Major Professor

Diana Moyer

Committee Members

Barbara Thayer-Bacon, Joy T. DeSensi


This study examines the cultural identities of five Chinese American adolescents in a Chinese school in a southern city of the United States. This is a story of how the informal Sunday Chinese school setting, the regular school settings, the Chinese American community and the family shaped the identities of these Chinese American adolescents. It is a story of how they deal with two different cultures (American & Chinese culture) in everyday life and how they give meanings to their lives.

This study employs the qualitative research method and ethnographic tradition. Using data collected from interviews, observations, and a literature review, the researcher used political analysis and a critical paradigm to analyze the multiple factors shaping cultural identities of Chinese American adolescents.

This study aims to improve social justice based on ideals of cultural diversity and social difference. It hopes to develop cultural diversity in American society and bring more attention to Chinese American studies.

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