Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Trevor Moeller

Committee Members

Roy Schulz, Basil Antar


To acquire heat transfer measurements of a high temperature Mach two flow a water-cooled calorimeter was placed in the flow and the water temperature rise was used to calculate the heat transfer rate and the recovery temperature of the gas. In addition, a graphite rod with a stainless steel tube at its core was used to measure the total pressure of the flow. This pressure probe was swept through the flow for two test runs to acquire a stagnation pressure profile of the gas flow. All results were compared to NASA CEA computer simulation code results. The heat transfer and recovery temperature results agreed well with the computer simulation code, while the total pressure results from the probe data agree excellently with the computer simulation code. A sensitivity analysis on the results was also preformed on the results.

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