Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Richard M. Bennett

Committee Members

Roy Schulz, Gary Flandro


This research presents the design of a combustion device which will simulate the aspects of aluminum particle combustion inside a solid rocket motor. At the same time this combustor will allow optical data to be collected during the combustion process.

The first step in this combustor design was to examine past experiments and methods which have been used to examine the combustion of aluminum particles. Next, the fuels and oxidizers, which will be used in the first planned combustion experiments, were selected. The flame temperatures and transport properties of these fuels and oxidizers were calculated using a version of a NASA chemical equilibrium code. The third step in this combustor design was to define the physical dimensions and maximum operating times which would be allowed. These parameters were defined through simplified stress analysis and heat transfer calculations, respectively. The final steps in this combustor design process were to define the procedures and instrumentation to be used during the operation of this combustor.

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