Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Tanita Saenkhum

Committee Members

Jeffrey M. Ringer, Kirsten Benson


This thesis aims to provide a textual analysis of three major adult English Language Teaching (ELT) curricula used in voluntary English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching contexts. The three curricula focused upon in this study are Interchange, Side by Side Plus, and Step Forward, published respectively by Cambridge, Pearson, and Oxford University Press. Two textbooks from each curriculum, one at the A1 proficiency level and one from the B1+ level, were analyzed for their incorporation of the six principles of adult learning theory, or andragogy. Along with examining the use of andragogy, curricular adaptability and accessibility for faith-based programs, students, and teachers were examined as well through an analysis of curriculum materials. The study found an unexpected amount of andragogy in ELT textbooks, but also found a number of areas in all examined curricula that could be improved to better consider adult ELLs and their educational needs. In locating common areas that are lacking and potentially impeding learner growth, this research illuminates the need for a closer conversation between textbook writers, adult learning theorists, and ESL instructors in the creation of ELT educational materials that prioritize adult language learners’ strengths, needs, and goals. This study may benefit both ELT researchers and faith-based ESL program directors by illuminating aspects of adult ELT curricula that may be incongruent with the needs of the faith-based, voluntary, adult ESL classroom.

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