Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Robert Richards

Committee Members

R.D. Kimberlin, C.T. Paludan, U.P. Solies


This paper presents the results of research conducted to develop a program of instruction for subjective workload assessment techniques for test pilot students. The instruction program was developed to augment the current systems integration series in the Airborne Systems Department at the United States Naval Test Pilot School.

This paper introduces the need for more progressive instruction in workload assessment techniques during advanced cockpit systems integration and crew station evaluations. Material is presented to assist the test pilot school staff in developing a "Pilot Workload" course of instruction in order to introduce the student to the requirement for qualitative assessment techniques. A literature search was conducted to assess existing assessment techniques and analyze each for feasibility of incorporation into a test pilot school curriculum. A recommended program of instruction is included for academic and flight instruction which outlines the approach adopted by the United States Naval Test Pilot School as a means of increasing student training in subjective workload assessment techniques.

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