Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Ed Hart

Committee Members

Chia C. Shih


This dissertation describes a study of the weak interactions of neutrinos with freon in the Tohoku 1.4-Meter Bubble Chamber, with emphasis on those interactions that produce slow protons emerging in the final state. The bubble chamber was exposed in 1985 and 1987 to the Fermilab wide-band neutrino beam generated by 800 GeV protons at the Tevatron. Holographic photography was used in order to improve the sensitivity to protons with very short ranges. A total of 364,000 frames were taken using normal optics. Of those, 63,000 also employed holography. These frames, along with the downstream hybrid data, yielded, after cuts, approximately 5000 usable events. Various features of the interactions are studied; in particular, a search is made for sensitivity to the EMC effect, and also for evidence of vμ ↔ vτ oscillation. The hadronization process is investigated, and the odd or even charge of the final state is shown to be dependent on the incidence of a neutrino or antineutrino. Conclusions are reached regarding the neutrino oscillation search, the "odd-even" effect, formation, and the EMC effect.

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