Masters Theses


Rick Phillips

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Jack Dongarra

Committee Members

Michael Berry, James Plank


Software libraries are often used to solve scientific computing problems. There are, however, barriers that limit the usefulness of these libraries. The NetSolve system was developed to remove some of these barriers by allowing users to access software libraries over a network. However, the NetSolve system is not available on all platforms. In this thesis, a NetSolve for Windows client was developed to extend the availability of the NetSolve system to the popular Windows NT and Windows 95 operating systems. The source code for the existing UNIX NetSolve client was used as a starting point and updated to work in the Windows environment. In addition, an extended XDR implementation was adapted for use in the Windows environment. This XDR implementation, as well as the techniques used to update the UNIX NetSolve client source code, provide useful examples and tools for future developers who may need to port UNIX networking software to the Windows environment.

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