Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Modern Foreign Languages

Major Professor

Oscar Rivera-Rodas

Committee Members

Carl Cobb, Paul Barrette, Alexandre Freire


This research considered modernity as a whole of different kinds of knowledge in which the poetic texts of modernistas and vanguardistas have been originated. The readings of these texts, placed in the epistemic context of modernity, emphasized the relationship between poetic knowledge and scientific knowledge. These readings used different methodological approaches such as (post)structuralism, semiotic and cultural literary theories. The concepts of genre, style and metaphor were deducted from critical as well as poetic texts. The results of analysis showed that the poetic subject is divided by affirmation and negation of the scientific knowledge. This contradiction of the poetic knowledge exemplifies the paradoxes of poetic texts constructed by the modem condition. This analysis also leaded to the conclusion that autonomy of the poetic knowledge was colonized by other knowledge or "language games" that structure the social text of modernity.

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