Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Thorsten Huth

Committee Members

Stefanie Ohnesorg, Daniel H. Magilow, Stergios Botzakis


Research Area: This dissertation investigates interactive teacher read-alouds of picture books in the undergraduate foreign language classroom. It focused on reading comprehension and read-aloud enjoyment.

Study Design: The study was conducted in four in-person German language classes at a U.S. university. It consisted of six weekly read-alouds interventions that took place over the time span of 7 weeks. During the interventions, one German picture book was read interactively to the students.

Data Collection Instruments: Reading comprehension was measured with a pre-test and a post-test and read-aloud enjoyment was measured with a pre-intervention survey and a post-intervention survey.

Results: The findings showed that reading comprehension did not increase on the group level, but stayed level. Nevertheless, increase of reading comprehension occurred for individual participants. In terms of read-aloud enjoyment, it was found that all participants were read to in school in the past, only a few were read to in a foreign language class prior to this study. The data show that the interventions evoked enjoyment, and participants even perceived improvements in their language skills because of the interventions.

Conclusions: The data suggest that, even in higher education, interactive teacher read-alouds of picture books have the potential to affect foreign language learning positively and do foster students’ enjoyment, an important element for successful learning. Thus, this pedagogical method should be considered by language educators as a relevant and useful classroom tool.

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