Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Joy T. DeSensi

Committee Members

Olga Welch, George Harris, Cynthia Fleming


With more gay men and lesbian women seeking to become fully involved in the Christian church community, churches are beginning to grapple with the issue of the role of the homosexual within the church. Many churches, however, appear to try to ignore the issue; or turn to abusive or neglectful behavior toward homosexuals. The black church, in particular, has a reputation for being especially careless when it comes to issues of sexuality in general, and homosexuality in particular. For those reasons, the purpose of this study is to explore the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes of pastors and church leaders within black Baptist, Pentecostal, and other churches regarding the issue of homosexuality and how it is addressed within the black church. How this issue has been addressed in the past, and how it can best be addressed in the future are also explored.

Qualitative research methodology is used for the study. In-depth interviews are conducted with participants in order to allow them to fully express their thoughts, and in an effort to present this issue through the eyes of the participants. Participants of the study are six pastors and church leaders of black Baptist, Pentecostal, and Presbyterian churches located in the southern region of the United States.

Four major themes surfaced from the interviews: Gay and Lesbian Behavior, Beliefs Regarding Homosexuality, Treatment of Gay Men and Lesbian Women Within the Black Church Community, and Sex and Sexuality Within the Black Church.

Results from this study suggest that pastors and church leaders are aware of a homosexual presence within their churches and within the black church community in general, but that they lack the skills necessary to minister effectively to this population. Data also corroborate the notion that homosexuality remains a sensitive, often ignored topic within the black church. Many remarks made by the participants imply that stereotypical perceptions of gay men and lesbian women exist among church leaders.

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