Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

Mingzhou Jin

Committee Members

Mingzhou Jin, Andrew Yu, Shay Scott, John Kobza


Paper #1 Overview

Businesses have to adapt to new challenges and technologies in the marketplace which influence warehousing. In order to support this growth, Industry 4.0 technologies have been implemented along the value chain to optimize their organizations and production processes; however, there are still gaps for warehousing research for Industry 4.0. We present four pillars¾location strategy, infrastructure/design, data management, and advanced planning and control¾ as a framework for businesses to use for their adaptation into smart warehousing. In particular, this framework will guide companies in their logistics journey into Industry 4.0. Industry experts and senior logistics professionals were interviewed to examine what are potential gaps between philosophical and real-world practices, as well as solidify the four proposed pillars. Additionally, a case study of a large multi-national manufacture has been used to demonstrate a real-world implementation of smart warehousing with proposed solutions. The case illustrates the overall method and presents improvements in Key Performance Indicators.

Paper #2 Overview

The Supply Chain Management (SCM) field has many studies regarding its importance on the increasing skill gaps demanded by industry and talent management, such as retention and increasing the number of employees to fulfill industry demands. Research into SCM education has also gained popularity with a focus on undergraduate and graduate programs. Conversely, there is limited research on SCM college programs and how they prepare students for roles in industry; even rarer are studies on how they prepare students for Chief Supply Chain Officers (CSCO) level roles. Many universities have created programs incorporating SCM topics, garnering prestigious rankings and demands for admittance, but are these programs placing the students on a path to CSCO levels? To explore this, we investigate the top SCM university programs (as ranked by US News and Gartner), the Fortune 100 and Gartner 25 companies, and the CSCO in those companies to determine if there are commonalities. This paper aims to tie these topics together and determine if there are any trends or divergencies.

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