Doctoral Dissertations

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Hua Bai

Committee Members

Leon Tolbert, Han Cui, Bing Cheng


Inverters are widely utilized in electric vehicle (EV) applications as a major voltage/current source for onboard battery chargers (OBC) and motor drive systems. The inverter performance is critical to the efficiency of EV system energy conversion and electronics system electro-magnetic interference (EMI) design. However, for AC systems, the bandwidth requirement is usually low compared with DC systems, and the control impact on the inverter differential-mode (DM) and common-mode (CM) performance are not well investigated. With the wide-band gap (WBG) device era, the switching capability of power electronics devices drastically improved. The DM/CM impact that was brought by the WBG device-based inverter becomes more serious and has not been completely understood.

This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of on-board inverter control strategies and the corresponding DM/CM impact on the EV system. The OBC inverter control under vehicle-to-load (V2L) mode will be documented first. A virtual resistance damping method minimizes the nonlinear load harmonics, and a neutral balancing method regulates the unbalanced load impact through the fourth leg. In the motor drive system, a generalized CM voltage analytical model and a current ripple prediction model are built for understanding the system CM and DM stress with respect to different modulation methods, covering both 2-level and 3-level topologies. A novel CM EMI damping modulation scheme is proposed for 6-phase inverter applications. The performance comparison between the proposed methods and the conventional solution is carried out. Each topic is supported by the corresponding hardware platform and experimental validation.

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