Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Psychology and Guidance

Major Professor

William A. Poppen

Committee Members

Lawrence DeRiddler, J. Albert Wiberley, Eugene E. Doll


The purpose of this study was to investigate empirically some of the possible effects that female students in the college of education-- who were involved in a field experience for Educational Psychology 2430, Child Study-- had on third and fourth grade male and female isolates. Fifty-two isolates were matched on sex and sociometric status-- thirteen matched male pairs and thirteen matched female pairs. The treatment for the experiinental subjects consisted of being involved in a one-to-one tutorial-friend relationship with a college female for one hour a week for seven weeks. This interaction consisted of the college student tutoring the isolate in an academic subject while concomitantly establishing a waxxn genuine friendship.

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