Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Business Administration

Major Professor

Mary C. Holcomb

Committee Members

Chris W. Craighead, Tim P. Munyon, Stephanie N. Eckerd


As mature markets become more saturated, managers increasingly recognize the value of emerging markets as the next horizon for future growth opportunities. Launching products into these markets is extremely risky, as they are characterized by weak supply chain institutional environments -- i.e. lack of physical supply chain infrastructure and scarcity of supply chain market intermediaries. Literature points to the need to acquire country specific resources and knowledge in order to improve performance in these countries. However, improvement in product launch performance may lie with a firm’s ability to orchestrate its acquired supply chain resources (i.e. create and leverage supply chain capabilities to generate customer value). Further, performance of a product launch may also depend on what type of supply chain knowledge (customer or supply knowledge) is accumulated about the market. In this dissertation, these ideas are examined by collecting data from industry professionals who have been involved in a product launch in an emerging market.

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